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Our infant care program provides a nurturing environment, loving support, and 100% dedication to the health and development of your baby.

A Peaceful Place Designed Specifically For Babies

Our infant room is a clean, tranquil environment designed specifically for babies. We give your little one plenty of attention and cuddles.  Learning centers surround the play area; enhancing your infant’s gross motor, fine motor, cognitive, language, and social development skills.  

Loving and Nurturing Environment

Imagine a place that will love and nurture your infant as you do, a home away from home for your baby. Hugs, kisses, and cuddles are provided throughout the day.  Your child is given individualized attention during feeding, changing, and play activities and we work with you to keep your baby’s sleeping and feeding routine as close to yours as possible.

Learning Through Loving Interactions

Your baby will begin a journey of developing friendships as early as infancy. Socializing with peers and adults enhances language development. It’s a beautiful sight to watch two babies giggle and smile at one another while sharing a toy.

Literacy Development Begins In Infancy

We ensure your baby’s literacy experience will be developmentally appropriate by exposing your child to books, rhymes, songs, and print. Babies are read to and sung to individually throughout the day and are exposed to a print-rich environment.

Teacher-supported Tummy Time

Your child will be given ample tummy time throughout the day, which is provided to strengthen his/her gross motor skills.   Our teachers lovingly support this important skill development in the comfort of our well-equipped infant rooms.


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